Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f31-subject=African Studies);f31-subject%3DAfrican%20Studies
Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f31-subject=African StudiesSat, 01 Jan 1994 12:00:00 GMTHouses in the Rainforest: Ethnicity and Inequality Among Farmers and Foragers in Central Africa. Roy Richard Grinker, III
This is the first ethnographic study of the farmers and foragers of northeastern
Zaire since Colin Turnbull's classic works of the 1960s. Roy Richard Grinker lived for nearly
two years among the Lese farmers and their long-term partners, the Efe (Pygmies), learned
their languages, and gained unique insights into their complex social relations and ethnic
identities. By showing how political organization is structured by ethnic and gender relations
in the Lese house, Grinker challenges previous views of the Lese and Efe and other
farmer-forager societies, as well as the conventional anthropological boundary between
domestic and political contexts., 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMTThe Opening of the Apartheid Mind: Options for the New South Africa. Heribert Adam and Kogila Moodley
Refusing to be governed by what is fashionable or inoffensive, Heribert Adam and
Kogila Moodley frankly address the passions and rationalities that drive politics in
post-apartheid South Africa. They argue that the country's quest for democracy is widely
misunderstood and that public opinion abroad relies on stereotypes of violent tribalism and
false colonial analogies.Adam and Moodley criticize the personality cult surrounding Nelson
Mandela and the accolades accorded F. W. de Klerk. They reject the black-versus-white conflict
and substitute sober analysis and strategic pragmatism for the moral outrage that typifies so
much writing about South Africa. Believing that the best expression of solidarity emanates
from sympathetic but candid criticism, they pose challenging questions for the African
National Congress and Nelson Mandela. They give in-depth coverage to political violence, the
ANC-South African Communist Party alliance, Inkatha, and other co..., 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT