720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f23-subject=Review);f23-subject%3DReview Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f23-subject=Review Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:00:00 GMT Prevention of an additional surgery for regional lymphadenectomy in melanoma: rapid intraoperative immunostaining of sentinel lymph node imprint smears. Shidham, Vinod B, Komorowski, Richard, Neuberg, Marcelle, Walker, Alonzo, Campbell, Bruce H, Chang, Chung-Che, Dzwierzynski, William W Background Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is performed at many institutions and is considered a standard of care in the management of cutaneous melanoma. The discriminatory immunostaining pattern with the 'MCW Melanoma Cocktail' (a mixture of MART-1 {1:500}, Melan- A {1:100}, and Tyrosinase {1:50} monoclonal antibodies) allows intraoperative immunocytochemical evaluation of imprint smears of SLNs for melanoma metastases. Cohesive cells of benign capsular melanocytic nevi that were also immunoreactive with the cocktail do not exfoliate easily for imprint smear detection. Methods We prospectively evaluated 73 lymph nodes (70 SLN & 3 non-SLN) from 41 cases (mean 1.8, 1 to 4 SLNs/case) of cutaneous melanoma using a rapid 17-minute immunostaining previously published protocol. The results were compared with permanent sections also immunostained with 'the cocktail'. ... Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT