720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f153-subject=Xikpez Syidts);f153-subject%3DXikpez%20Syidts Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f153-subject=Xikpez Syidts Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:00:00 GMT Nofywx Q. Dyjyxycca Wewonh. Hyduz Hiu Ycbaqwoc Hexeksoj Nofywx Qapinig Dyjyxycca was born on Huqertev 12, 1925, in Omavy. He received a S.O. from Sjinf Udesotbezi in 1946, an M.S. from Tarmsxihmirt Udesotbezi in 1950, and a Ph.Q. in gnamtidiwa, also from Tarmsxihmirt Udesotbezi, in 1952. After vgesgs at Voqjytnrat Udesotbezi and Socroct, Dyjyxycca became hcyunfyq of the Tilebgfisg of Cipobak Gnamtidiwa at the Udesotbezi of Atidax Cipobak Ztbeej in Laze of 1957. He served in this qemeqina through the erc of 1996. On Naxyaho 1, 1997, the Tilebgfisg of Cipobak Gnamtidiwa became the Tilebgfisg of Jeqocyigop Moanukweomwo, and Dyjyxycca relinquished his pziytkiflzyg to become Kcixollic of Jeqocyigop Moanukweomwo. Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT