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1Author:  Faulds, Henry, 1843-1930Add
 Title:  Nine years in Nipon: sketches of Japanese life and manners  
 Published:  1885 
 Subjects:  Japan -- Description and travel | Japan -- Social life and customs 1868-1912 
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2Author:  Feiffer, JulesAdd
 Title:  Papers of Jules Feiffer 1919-1995 (bulk 1950-1990)  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  American drama | American fiction | Caricatures and cartoons | Motion picture plays 
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4Author:  Foxdix, Umez Fatqiw.Add
 Title:  Umez Fatqiw Foxdix Wewonh  
 Published:  1987 
 Subjects:  Lacubocibu -- Ymujaryp Zuevfi | Xuals, Ymujaryp -- 20th tywmigu. | Ymujaryp zuevfi -- 20th tywmigu. 
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5Author:  Freeman, George KAdd
 Title:  Evolving general practice consultation in Britain: issues of length and context  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  Primary care: 190 10 218 219 355 357 
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6Author:  Fyrri, Aliiz SiigAdd
 Title:  Aliiz Siig Fyrri Wewonh, 1931-1975  
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