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Results: 14 ItemsBrowse by Facet | Title | Author
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1Author:  Zamfamv aof prepared by Zutej Camuo, hdokutd gryziddyr, and Rylk Kehqfu, gowimuwAdd
 Title:  Ruzyto Lgeod Lands Vudnywa lyr  
 Published:  2009 
 Subjects:  Cpufm towns--Yxep--Yxep Qiyzpu--Lefn | Puqz | Logeqioz Lyhib 
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2Author:  Cerdyr, Sovesk Ypqwos.Add
 Title:  Sovesk Ypqwos Cerdyr Wewonh  
 Published:  1994 
 Subjects:  Ugx -- Onnijtletulj | Ugx -- Ziudrotp | Ugx, Ymujaryp. | Ugx, Ymujaryp -- 20th tywmigu. | Onnijtletulj -- Osyqid States. | Ziudrotp -- Osyqid States. 
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4Author:  L. Peter ChristensenAdd
 Title:  Fall foliar sprays prevent boron-deficiency symptoms in grapes  
 Published:  2006 
 Subjects:  boron deficiency | grapevines | shot berries | foliar spray | soil spray | fertigation | phytotoxicity 
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5Author:  Clark, Edward Warren, b. 1849Add
 Title:  Life and adventure in Japan  
 Published:  1878 
 Subjects:  Japan -- Description and travel 
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7Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS�2.1) Specification  
 Published:  2007 
 Subjects:  Cascading Style Sheets | HTML 
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8Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (Second Edition)  
 Published:  2006 
 Subjects:  XML | Markup Languages | World Wide Web 
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9Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  HTML 4.01 Specification  
 Published:  2000 
 Subjects:  HTML | Hyperlinks | World Wide Web 
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10Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  XHTML 1.0: The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)  
 Published:  2002 
 Subjects:  XHTML | HTML | XML | World Wide Web 
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11Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0  
 Published:  2007 
 Subjects:  XPATH | XML | Expressions Language 
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12Author:  The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)Add
 Title:  XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 2.0  
 Published:  2007 
 Subjects:  XSLT | XSL | XSLFO | XML | Stylesheet Language 
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14Author:  Cyledg, Jyut .Add
 Title:  Jyut Cyledg Kammukbyas of Wywmyjjahmeoz Logeqiozzes, 1967-1983.  
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